BSN Organized Meeting With ICGEB Team For Nepal Membership.
BSN is working hard day and night to uplift the country’s economy to a higher level through the promotion, awareness, and development of Biotechnology.
ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology), the international organization within the United Nations System. It has a dual mandate: excellence in scientific research and training, as well as promotion and development of biotechnology for sustainable global development. ICGEB implements South-South cooperation in all of its actions, promoting scientific cooperation, capacity building, and technology transfer.
Benefits after getting ICGEB membership include lots of things for life sciences including fellowship, research grant, meetings, and courses.
It’s been more than decades since that the Nepal government trying to get its membership. But due to lots of beurocratics, parliamentary hurdles, and lack of proper communication, still, Nepal is not its member. Considering these problems and the importance of its membership, BSN under the leadership of BSN’s President, Mr. Nabin N. Munankarmi, arrange a direct, live, and online meeting between the ICGEB team lead by Dr. Lawrence Banks, ICGEB-General Director, Dr. Marianna Macualan, and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST) lead by Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Secretary, MOEST along with senior-most and renowned Nepalese Biotechnologist, Microbiologist, Botanist, Zoologist.
Let’s hope the Nepal government will soon take the membership of ICGEB and we all life science concern bodies will get maximum benefits and unexpected opportunities.